계란 7개 (7 Eggs) 새우젓 1큰술 (1Tbsp Salted shrimp) 당근 약간 (a little Carrot) 쪽파 약간 (a little Chives) 미림 2숟갈 (2Tbsp Mirin) 물 250ml (250ml Water) 후추 살짝 (a little Pepper) 참기름 한방울 (a drop of Sesame oil)
계란 7개 (7 Eggs) 새우젓 1큰술 (1Tbsp Salted shrimp) 당근 약간 (a little Carrot) 쪽파 약간 (a little Chives) 미림 2숟갈 (2Tbsp Mirin) 물 250ml (250ml Water) 후추 살짝 (a little Pepper) 참기름 한방울 (a drop of Sesame oil)